You Won't Believe What He Did This Time!

written by

Joy Stephens

posted on

June 7, 2023

Welcome to this edition of the 6S Farm Newsletter!
 Things were a little different this past month because Rick and I were away vacationing in the Kootenay's for a FULL WEEK!  I can't even remember the last time we've taken such a leave of absence for some RnR but there's just some things you can't let pass without some recognition and ceremony. 
For one beautiful week we were not-so-hard-at-work celebrating our
25th Wedding Anniversary!
Check this out ....


This man ...  (sigh - what a guy ❤️) there is no one quite like this man!
You won't believe what he went and did this time ....

​About a month ago he informed me that we were going away for our anniversary but he gave me exactly NO details as to where that was going to be or what we were going to do!  😮

​So I got in the car early that Monday morning after an insanely busy week of "preparations to leave the farm" with a suitcase full of clothes that he packed for me (dangerous, I know) and no idea what lay ahead for the next 6 days.

After a ridiculousy long 13 hour drive in 36 degree heat (we have no air conditioning in our little Toyota Corolla) and a charming evening ferry ride across Arrow Lake we arrived at our first destination...

He booked us a stay at the Halcyon Hot Springs Resort near Nakusp for an incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating 3 days and then we spent a further 3 days relaxing and enjoying the good life at the Kootney Lakehouse BnB.

It was pure bliss!  
What a wonderful, wonderful man who loves me so well!
(He's definitely a keeper - but I already knew that 25 years ago! 😉) 

In the span of 25 years ...
we've seen some richer and definitely lived some poorer,
(our best stories come out of the 'poorer' parts!)
Held on to each other through some sickness and rejoiced in much good health,
Persisted through the better and worse we found in both life and each other,
and made it to this point with some valuable lessons learned.

Things like:
​- Own your own 💩 when you need to.
- Say sorry sooner and forgive faster.
- Celebrate all the little moments because they're what truly make a life.
- Hang on tight and love like there's no tomorrow!
(Cliche I know, but what can I say? 🤷‍♀️ Very true!)

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