Homestyle Beef Oxtail Stew
February 11, 2022 • 0 comments

Chock full of oozy, dark, rich, delicious flavour.
Fill your home with the aroma of this hearty stew simmering all afternoon. It's totally worth the wait!
- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- Servings: 6-8
- (1 pkg) Beef Oxtail
- (1/4 cup) Lard (can substitute, butter, tallow, or olive oil)
- (4) Carrots
- (2) Onions
- (2 stalks) Celery
- (4 cloves) Garlic
- (2-3 sprigs) Fresh Thyme
- (2-3 sprigs) Fresh Rosemary
- (to taste) Sea Salt
- (to taste) Fresh Ground Pepper
- (2 jars) Canned Tomatoes
- (1 1/4 cup) Red Wine
- (4 cups) Beef Bone Broth
- (sprinkle) Shaved Parmesan
- In a large enamel cast iron casserole dish on stovetop melt lard at med high heat setting and brown pieces of oxtail on all sides, then set aside. Don't skip this step! You might be tempted to but getting a good sear on the beef first gives this stew it's depth of flavour and richness. (You can also substitute our 100% Grass-fed Stew Beef or Beef Short Ribs for this recipe)
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
- Rough chop carrots, onions, garlic and celery into chunks and place in casserole dish at medium low temperature. Season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Pick and rough chop the thyme and rosemary leaves, then add those with the bay leaves into casserole and cook for 15-20 mins until veggies have softened. Stir regularly and add more lard as necessary.
- Add the cloves and pour in the canned tomatoes and red wine. Place oxtail pieces in amongst the veg then cover with Beef Bone Broth.
- Turn up the heat until the mixture reaches a boil then put the lid on the casserole dish and place in the oven for around 5 hours. Low and slow baby, low and slow! You want the meat to be easily falling off the bone when it is finished.
- Stir the stew every hour and add a splash more of bone broth or water as needed.
- Remove the dish from the oven and allow it to cool for a few minutes. Remove oxtail pieces with a pair of tongs and pull the meat from the bones with a fork then return the meat to the stew pot and stir well.
- Sprinkle with parmesan shavings. Best served with a slice of fresh sourdough bread or a side of creamy mashed potatoes.
- Enjoy!
- Note - once you have stripped the meat from the bones allow them to cool then bag them and store them in your freezer to add to your next pot of Beef Bone Broth.