Yummy Plummy Rummy Tam Ham
September 21, 2022 • 0 comments

I had a bunch of errands to run in town one afternoon so I left Rick to prepare supper at home. He's a Gourmet Farmer. Or should I say a Farmer Gourmet? I don't know which is right grammatically but I don't care either ... he's sensational in the kitchen ... that's all I need to know! I came home a couple of hours later to this delectable Yummy Plummy Rummy Tam Ham.
- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- (1) 6S Pasture Raised Heritage Ham
- (3/4 cup) Raw Honey from BVH&H
- (1/2 Cup) Plum Jam or Canned Plums
- (1 Tbsp) Fresh Orange Juice
- (6 Whole) Star Anise
- (8 slices or to taste) Pickled Jalapeños
- (1 cup) Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum
- (1 cup) Water
- (for decoration) Star Anise
- (for decoration) Whole Cloves
- Preheat your over to 300 degrees. Place oven rack in lowest position.
- Place the honey, jam/preserves, orange juice, star anise, pickled jalapeños and rum in a small saucepan over low heat. A cup of rum for ham, a cup of rum for him (or her) 😆 🥃
- Now that you're pleasantly tipsy let go of all that holiday entertaining stress. Who cares if things don't go as perfectly as planned!
- Glad we got that out of the way. Now - cook, stirring often until the honey dissolves and liquids have been reduced. (If you're using preserves instead of jam this will take a little longer and you might need to add a little more honey for sweetness.) Set aside to cool.
- Score the top of your ham in a diagonal pattern.
- Place whole cloves in the midst of your diagonal pattern. And maybe add a little more rum here.🥃
- Pour water into the bottom of an enamel cast iron roaster and place the ham in the roaster. Baste with 1/2 of the thickened glaze.
- Bake for 1/2 the overall cooking time (see the note below for cooking time per lb).
- Check water level. Add some more water or rum if necessary. Turn roaster 180 degrees. Baste with 1/2 of the remaining glaze.
- Bake for the second 1/2 of the overall cooking time. Have a schnifter of rum while you wait.🥃
- Remove the lid from the roaster, brush the ham with the remaining glaze, turn your oven up to 400 degrees and bake for 10 minutes or until golden then decorate with Star Anise.
- Let the ham rest for 15 minutes before cutting and serving.
- Enjoy with a nice glass of rum with your beautiful ham! 🥃
*Note - All 6S Hams (bone in and boneless) are cured but still need to be heated to an internal temperature of 140 degrees. This usually requires a cooking time of approximately 18-23 minutes per lb.
*Second Note - Do NOT, skip the jalapeños. You might think you don't like jalapeños but you would be wrong. This recipe begs for the pickled jalapeños. Cries for them. Wouldn't be even close to the same without them. Put them in! 😁
**Tam refers to the Tamworth Heritage Pigs we raise. Just in case you were wondering. :)